Thursday, January 31, 2008

Interlude: Dilemma

Just started a new book today - Tomorrow They Will Kiss by Eduardo Santiago. Seems promising, considering I've only read the first chapter. But then the unthinkable happens. I walk into a bookstore....and I see the Grail.

Craig (my husband) is a toy collector and he often talks about the Grail - the one toy you can never seem to find or afford but would cut your hand off for etc etc. Well, if I were to have a literary Grail, it would be the fifth book of the amazing Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody. It took her eight years to get around to writing it. I had completely given up hope, considering the number of books she's written in the interim. I thought she wasn't going to bother. Only this weekend I was telling someone it would never happen. But I walk into the bookstore and there it is - the fifth book, The Stone Key. So of course I buy it instantly, budget and loyalty to libraries notwithstanding.

But what do I do now? Do I finish "Tomorrow They Will Kiss" in a big rush, while Carmody's 1000-page tome calls to me from the bookshelf? Or do I plunge into The Stone Key, knowing that Tomorrow is due back to the library soon and I may never manage to finish it? Neither approach will do the two books justice. What to do?

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