Sunday, March 16, 2008

Interlude: Still Reading!

I've been getting some comments about my blog from friends, asking if I'm still doing it etc. I guarentee I am keeping up on the reading side. It's the reviewing side that is slowing down - I am now 2 1/2 books behind! There are a couple of reasons for this.

The first is that I am excrutiatingly busy with work and other activities. The second is that I have a hard time prying my husband off the computer. The third is that these reviews are actually reasonably hard work. Summarising a plot without spoiling it and then providing thoughtful commentary can be a bit of a challenge (especially when I don't do it straight away, naughty me). My hubbie keeps saying "write more, more about the book" but that can be quite hard and actually puts me off writing them. I do want to have a good blog that people want to read, but I also want it to be fun and not a chore. So there is a balance to find.

In the meantime, thanks for sticking with me. I have some time off work this week, I will try to put it to good use and catch up!